5 Tips for Optimising Images for a Faster and More Engaging Website

As online business owners and entrepreneurs, we know that a fast and engaging website is essential for converting visitors into customers. One of the most important factors in website speed and engagement is image optimisation.

In this post, I'll share 5 tips for optimising images for the web and creating a better user experience for your visitors.

  1. Compress Your Images.
    One of the simplest and most effective ways to optimise images for the web is to use image compression tools. These tools, such as TinyPNG or Kraken.io, can significantly reduce the file size of images without losing quality. This can help to improve website load time and make your website more responsive, especially for mobile users.

  2. Resize Your Images
    Another important factor in image optimisation is image size. Large images take longer to load, so it's essential to resize them to the correct size for where they will be displayed on your website. By doing this, you can improve website load time and create a better user experience. There are several ways to resize images, depending on the software or tools you are using:

    1. Using image editing software: Popular image editing software like Figma, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and Paint.net can be used to resize images. In these programs, you can open the image and then use the "Image Size" or "Resize" option to change the dimensions of the image. Make sure to keep the aspect ratio locked to avoid distortion of the image.

    2. Online Image Resizers: There are several free online image resizers available, such as PicResize, ResizeImage, and Simple Image Resizer. These tools allow you to upload an image and then choose the new dimensions. They will then automatically resize the image for you.

    3. Using the command line: If you're comfortable with the command line, you can use a tool like ImageMagick to resize images. The command would be like "convert input.jpg -resize 50% output.jpg"

    4. Using mobile apps: There are also several mobile apps available for resizing images, such as Adobe Photoshop Express, Canva and Pixlr.

    It's important to note that when you resize an image, you may lose some image quality. Therefore, it's always a good idea to save the original image and make a copy of it before resizing it. Also, it's important to resize images to the exact size you need for the website, as larger images will slow down the loading time of the website.

  3. Use the Right File Format
    When it comes to image file formats, JPEG is best for photographs and images with many colors, while PNG is best for images with transparent backgrounds and fewer colors. GIF is best for small, simple animations. By using the right file format for your images, you can reduce file size and improve website load time.

  4. Use Lazy Loading
    Lazy loading is a technique that delays the loading of images until they are needed. This can help to improve website load time by only loading images that are in the viewport and not loading images that are below the fold. This can help to create a better user experience, especially for mobile users.

    Yes, Shopify does have lazy loading capabilities. There are a few different ways to implement lazy loading on a Shopify website:

    1. Shopify apps: There are several lazy loading apps available in the Shopify App Store that can be easily installed and configured on your website. Some popular options include Lazy Load by Pixel Union and Lazy Load by Booster Apps.

    2. Custom coding: you can also implement lazy loading on your Shopify website by adding custom code. There are many tutorials and code snippets available online that can guide you through the process of implementing lazy loading on your website.

    3. Shopify theme: Some Shopify themes already have built-in lazy loading functionality, you can check with your theme developer or support.

    It's worth noting that lazy loading can improve website load time and create a better user experience, especially for mobile users. However, it's important to test your website and evaluate the results to ensure that lazy loading is the right solution for your website.

  5. Optimise the Alt Tags
    Finally, it's important to optimise the alt tags of your images. Alt tags are used to describe images and provide information for users who are visually impaired. By optimising your alt tags, you can improve accessibility and also help with SEO purposes.

    Here are a few tips for optimising alt tags:

    1. Use descriptive and specific text: The text in your alt tags should accurately describe the content of the image. It should be specific enough that someone who can't see the image can understand what it is. Avoid using generic text like "image" or "photo".

    2. Keep them short and simple: Alt tags should be concise and to the point. Aim for around 125 characters or less.

    3. Use keywords: The text in your alt tags should include relevant keywords that are relevant to the content of the image and the page it's on.

    4. Use empty alt tags for decorative images: If an image is purely decorative and doesn't add any additional information to the page, you should use an empty alt tag (alt="").

    5. Use the same file name in the alt tag: When you save your images, make sure to use a descriptive file name that accurately describes the image. You can use this file name in the alt tag.

    6. Test the alt tags: Test your alt tags by turning off the images on your website and reading the alt tags to make sure they accurately describe the images.

By following these tips, you can optimise your images for the web and create a faster and more engaging website for your visitors. A website that loads quickly and has engaging images will help to build trust and credibility with your potential customers and increase conversions.


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